Tech 5.0

25 August, 2020 | Industrial Manufacturing, Automation, Industrial Engineering, Automation Systems, Tech 5.0

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The rapid evolution of the industrial landscape is ushering us into an era of personalization and better human to machine interaction. The latest technology that is pushing the industrial boundaries and expanding its horizons beyond the ‘industry 4.0’ revolution is based on intelligent manufacturing that ensures that the products are tailored to a customer’s specific needs. Termed as ‘tech 5.0’ or ‘industry 5.0’, this revolution will transform the businesses through intelligent devices.

What is tech 5.0?

Industry 4.0 involved the achievement of optimum results through efficient interconnection of machines and systems but industry 5.0 or tech 5.0 goes beyond that and aims to enhance the interaction between the humans and the machines for optimal and innovative manufacturing. This will result in the creation of high value jobs because the humans will have the responsibility of design and creative thinking. Industry 5.0 blends human creativity and design with speed, reliability and accuracy of robots. The fifth industrial revolution describes the word ‘automation’ as autonomous robots that are intelligent entities working in the same workplace as humans and collaborating with them in real-time.


From robots to cobots

In this next industrial revolution, industry 5.0, robots are expected to be linked to the human brains so that they work as partners rather than rivals. Infact, they are called collaborative robots or cobots instead of just robots. These cobots are expected to serve as perfect companions to the humans and will learn important tasks through advanced sensing technologies that enable human-machine interfacing. A cobot will observe a human and the task he is performing and then it will decide whether to provide assistance to the human or not. This decision of the cobot will be based on the intention of the human and the conditions of the surrounding environment. This concept is expected to result in the production processes being more efficient than ever before while boosting the economy and protecting the environment by minimizing the waste. 


What does it mean for the manufacturing?

Industry 5.0 will transform the manufacturing systems globally by moving human workers as far away as possible from boring, low-valued and repetitive tasks. The penetration of robots in the manufacturing supply chain will be rise to an incredible level. Operational efficiency and productivity are expected to increase as a result of tech 5.0 revolution and production time cycles will shorten. It will reduce work injuries and will be environment friendly. 

Whenever there is a hint of an upcoming technology revolution, apprehension among the general public increases as the fear of unemployment takes over. However, industry 5.0 is more likely to create jobs than to take them away. For this advanced intelligent system environment, the preparation of robots, their maintenance, training, scheduling and repurposing, will lead to the development of a new generation of production robots and this will generate a number of jobs that will cater to each level of this system.


Industry 5.0 emphasizes the clear transformation from mass automation to the process of increasing the capacity of human workers to personalize their products and take them to the next level. Robots will collaborate with humans and work in harmony.  This advanced human machine interfacing and a synergy between the humans and the robots will ensure a promising performance and impeccable production with the option of customized manufacturing while producing minimum waste. This in turn will improve the process efficiency by bringing back more people to the workplace. However, all of this raises quite a few questions for the future: what skills are going to be in demand in the future? What kind of rules and SOPs will govern the human-machine interactions? What sort of problems are expected to occur between the people and the AI robots? Rising to the challenge of integrating tech 5.0 in the businesses and industries will answer these questions in time.

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