Product Description
For years, Eaton Vickers has been laser-focused on providing the latest solutions in hydraulic performance while continuing to deliver their exceptional products supported by rigorous research and trusted experience. Their easily implemented components need less maintenance and problem solving, ultimately saving time and money. The operation of their components is straightforward and is simple to learn and train. Upgrade your industrial hydraulic system with Eaton Vickers’ state of the art designs and you will be amazed at the quality increase in your systems.
The EEA-PAM-525-A-32 power amplifier is intended to be used in conjunction with proportional valves in the KTG4V-5…H*, 3* series, or in the KDG4V-5…H*, 3* series. Eaton Vickers has designed these parts to work perfectly together in any industrial systems, and to be easily adjusted to work with your current structures. They serve to provide constant, dependable performance to keep your production optimized. By making problem solving straightforward and easy, the power amplifier displays clear signals and alerts. These components are made to work with unmatched efficiency in any application and are easy for your team to operate. Incorporate Eaton Vickers’ brilliant designs into your operations and watch your efficiency and productivity surge. You can be sure that their unparalleled quality parts will keep working for you.