Product Description
Vickers thrives in solving motion control challenges is a fast and efficient way, thanks to its integrated systems, experienced personnel, and competent-based approaches. Whether you are looking for encoders, proportional valves amplifiers, supply modules, mains filters, spindle drives, permanent magnetic motors, gearing, CNC, servo drives, electric controllers, servo motors or even step motors, Vickers is the place to source. You will enjoy uncompromised performance experience through the rugged, efficient, cost-effective, innovative, future proof and scalable motion control aftermarket accessories. Upon acquiring your component, you can customize it to suit your particular application needs. Something else, Vickers’ products are designed to work in various fields and can accommodate an array of appliances and function excellently in various industries.
The EEA-PAM-511-A-30 is a proportional valve amplifier by Vickers. The installation process should be done carefully and according to the photo-documented instructions for optimal performance, to avoid damage to the unit and to prevent injury to the users.
The EEA-PAM-511-A-30 proportional valve has current-controlled solenoids whose current is regulated through varying the command voltage into the amplifier. During installation and operation, you need to note that greater current in the solenoid coil implies greater valve spool displacement and also greater oil flow through the valves. Deceleration or acceleration control of the working load and hydraulic actuator occurs as current variation through decrease or increase happens. The proper sizing of the valve and spool will have a direct correlation with the deceleration and acceleration rates. You should choose the smallest valve size at any given time and the smallest spool size of that valve size to achieve the best acceleration or deceleration goals. This typical feedback valve requires 24 VDC power supply to be connected to the appropriate pins.