Product Description
The SC935TN-034-01 is well known among SC900 series by Pacific Scientific. The serial communications option card for your Pacific Scientific’s SC935TN-034-01 is used to communicate more than a 9600 Baud serial link to host your personal computer. A menu-driven software support package runs on your PC Combined with 930 Dialogue. The SC935TN-034-01 offers the following features:
- All-digital setup of the velocity loop, current loop, and position loop. There are no pots, plug-on jumpers, DIP switches, or components to change when setting up the servo loops. The parameters are downloaded using an RS-232 or RS-485 port and are saved in nonvolatile memory in the SC935TN-034-01.
- Simplified uploading, downloading, and disk storage of the SC935TN-034-01 parameters for easy cloning and backup documentation.
- Automatic drive setup using 930 Dialogue.
- Automatic Analog Command Offset adjustment using 930 Dialogue.
- Accurate readout of position, motor velocity, and other variables using the serial link and 930 Dialogue
The SC935TN-034-01 firmware controls the base SC900 drive, whether the OC930 Serial Option Card is installed or not. The SC935TN-034-01 is configured as a serial port commanded controller. The current loop is compensated properly for the selected motor and the servo parameters are setup to give medium response (approximately 75 Hz velocity loop bandwidth) with the unloaded motor. Additional default settings were also made.
The SC935TN-034-01 compiles with EC Directives. The Pacific Scientific’s SC935TN-034-01 has a two-year warranty against defects in material and assembly. The warranty is exempt in the following cases: If the products that have been modified by the customer, physically mishandled, or otherwise abused through mis-wiring, and so on. Follow the rules and regulations given by manufacturer to ensure safety.