Frequently Asked Questions about 6410-001-C-N-K
Q: What is the proper way to maintain the 6410-001-C-N-K drive?
A: The 6410-001-C-N-K drives are designed for minimum maintenance. However the housing of the drive should be cleaned regularly remove superficial dust and dirt from the drive unit. Cleaning operation should be done using clean, dry and low-pressure air.
Q: How can operators detect faults in the 6410-001-C-N-K in real time?
A: The 6410-001-C-N-K has an "Enabled" output which is on when the drive is in a normal operational state, this output is off when the drive unit is faulty. Faults in the drive can be caused by output overcurrent, bus overvoltage and low voltage supply out of tolerance.
Q: How should operators choose the transformers used with the 6410-001-C-N-K?
A: Transformers used with the 6410-001-C-N-K must be guaranteed to operated at the highest line volatge combined with the lowest line frequency that will ever be used to power the servo system. Faliure to do so can result in saturation, largue current increases and winding failure.
Q: What type of fuse should be used with the 6410-001-C-N-K?
A: The BUS MDA 10 slow blow fuse or equivalent is recommended for the 6410-001-C-N-K when it is set for 5Amps. This can change depending of the current requirement of the drive unit. The fuse should be integrated between the rectifier and the individual bus capacitors.
Q: What does the Idle current reduction function in the 6410-001-C-N-K do?
A: The idle current reduction function of the 6410-001-C-N-K is designed to reduce the phase current sent to the motor when not motion is commanded. This function reduces motor and drive heating duing stand-by operation.