Product Description
The 5330 stepper motor driver module furnishes stable performance with dependability and control to series Pacific Scientific stepped Motors in 5000 series by providing an intelligent motion control system. It is an extremely cost-effective bi-polar electrical chopping device which employs Pulse Width Modulation to manage the winding currents in a stepper motor. It produces all varieties of inputs normally handled by the drive like the step pulse, direction, and current control. Moreover, it provides corrected outputs congruous to the input for two-phase stepper motors. The optical isolation of these logical signal inputs enhances its functionality.
The 5330 motor drive modules furnish regulated phase currents to cover the range starting from 18 Volts and going up to 75 Volts DC. These drivers are meant to be used with the 5000 Series of the Pacific Motors and other similar compatible drives that need user-friendly automatic on-board motion control system with the operational values of 2.5 A RMS current and an integral 65 Volt DC power supply. The unit is provided with adequate protection situations like overheating or ground short circuits. The LED display on the panel indicates whenever such an eventuality takes place and show normal display after the rectification is done.
The design of the 5330 drive module incorporates the circuitry that eliminates the mid-range instability in frequency. This instability can potentially occur in a stepping motor system due to inherent features of the mechanical characteristics as well as the electronic and magnetic emissions. The circuits are so designed that they delay the switching on the output electronics by a few microseconds of the incoming pulse wave. This midrange stability values are adjustable and can be enabled easily by the user.