Product Description
The SERVOSTAR servo limiter is a universal and high-quality in every operational segment device, engaged in motor control in power regulated environment. It has differential input characteristics with input voltage not more than -10 V Page 118 and has an input 2.4 k and an update rate of 62.5 us, which is a reasonable figure. There are also provisions inbuilt in the design of the power amplifiers to manage their working temperatures for instance PTCs embedded in the motor winding. Tn Amotion, I-integration time is one of the loop control parameters, this being the time increment does increase the precision level of the work. Also, the SSI-interface sends updates cyclically providing position output in absolute serial format and acceleration feeding by set point ramps who serve for the speed change rate limiting to avoid mechanical overload of the electrical system.
The amplifier is fitted with a supply filter which allows filtering out the noise in the current supplied from the mains for the proper functioning of the amplifier. When it comes to cleaning, if the casing is soiled, it should be wiped with isopropanol or a solvent of such nature, being careful not to soak or spray the unit. In case dust accumulates within the unit, only the manufacturer is to perform such cleaning. A stiff dry brush is acceptable to use on the protective grill of the fan.
The SERVOSTAR amplifier can be dismantled for disposal into such main parts as aluminum heatsink, steel housing parts and electronic boards. Dispose of the product via a suitable third party, which is preferably recommended by the manufacturer upon request. With regard to the wiring of KCM Modules with the SERVOSTAR amplifier, the maximum distance between the amplifier and the S300 module is 500 mm.