Product Description
The SERVOSTAR-443M-P is a powerful servo amplifier adaptable to many industries, especially the field of industrial automation, providing good control, and energy saving capabilities. It works within the input voltage range of 20V to 30V with a standard input current of between 33 mA and 40 mA, while the input peak current is 100 mA. It has a high response with 1 ms taken from the lower edge of the Safe Torque Off (STO) input up to when the motors energy supply is cut-off thereby performing very effective and rapid safety functions.
As for system integration, the SERVOSTAR443M-P requires a Pentium II or an equivalent processor as a minimum and the Operating system is Windows 2000/XP. It uses a free serial interface (COM1 ... COM10) for conferment and there is free space on the hard disk of 10MB approximately unrelated to the data area and a CD-ROM drive for the installation. The amplifier is designed for the nodes to support CAN communication operating at 125 kbit, 250 kbit, and 500 kbit, allowing a maximum of 64 nodes on the hierarchy. The transmission is DD and DR type of communication ensuring effective transmission of signals. Besides, the system offers 500V isolation with an opto-diode on transceivers node side for added safety.
The SERVOSTAR 443M-P's regen circuit contains one remarkable component that allows the dissipation of regenerative energy during a motor stoppage by a regen resistor which generates heat. The regen circuit automatically comes on when required and the applying thresholds can be adjusted on the software setup to the electrical supply voltage. If preset levels of regenerative energy try to be exceeded, the servo amplifier gives a warning n02 regen power exceeded and the regen circuit is cut off in due time.