Product Description
The 07.F0.R01-1279 control cabinet is a product of F0 Combivert Control Cabinet Series. It is manufactured by KEB. The product is ideal for processes involving industrial automation. The machine has an input voltage range between 200-240 VAC.
The 07.F0 control cabinet is compatible with networking communications. This allows it to communicate with other devices. It enables the machine to connect to an automation system because of its networking feature. The R01-1279 has a power rating of 0.75 kW. By virtue of this rating, the 07.F0.R01-1279 cabinet can handle or supply the stated amount of power. The device has an output value that ranges between 380-460 V. The product is capable of controlling a range of motor speed. This is because the system has an output frequency range of 0-409 Hz. The reactive and real power provided by the control cabinet is valued at 1.8 kVA. It is compatible with installations at altitudes up to 3000 meters. The internal electrical components of the 07.F0 control cabinet are protected by a metal or any other durable composite material. It provides a strong enclosure and is durable in harsh environments. The machine is energy efficient as it uses natural convection cooling. This ensures that the heat created inside flows out with natural air.
The 07.F0.R01-1279 cabinet can be stored at temperatures ranging from -25°C to +70°C. This attribute makes the control cabinet suitable for various environmental conditions and ranges. The KEB 07.F0.R01-1279 control cabinet is an ideal contender for usage in applications that require durability. The strong communications system ensures that connectivity is speedy. Its durable design and compatibility with a range of temperatures make it an expandable tool. It is energy efficient and reliant.