Product Description
The Bosch RZP01.1-G3 is an optional module card for RD 500 systems. This module is designed to evaluate an incremental pulse encoder and to emulate a pulse encoder. The encoder input on the module supports pulse encoders with TTL or RS-422 signal levels and can be used as a second encoder for speed or position synchronization. The encoder input requires 300 milliamps current at +5 Volts when the sensor conductors are connected, and 300 milliamps at +10 Volts when the sensor conductors are jumpered. The encoder input expects RS-422 differential signals as per the RS-422 standard. The input circuit is not floating but can process common mode signals. The maximum input frequency is 300 kilohertz which corresponds to an encoder with 1024 pulses and a speed of approximately 17500 RPM.
The signal inputs on the card have a resistance of 120 Ohms, maximum input signal level of ±10 Volts, maximum common mode signal levels of ±10 Volts and maximum input frequency of 300 kilohertz. The encoder output on the RZP01.1-G3 emulates a pulse encoder with RS-422 signal level and can emulate either the encoder input or the pulse encoder input of the base card. The RZP01.1-G3 card operates on the 5V Volts and +15 Volts power supply from the drive control card. Physical size of the card is 100 x 89 millimeters. The card can be inserted into module slot 1 or module slot 2 on the control card. The connections on the RZP01.1-G3 are visible after the option card has been inserted and the front cover on the control card has been removed. The RZP01.1-G3 should be installed by qualified and experienced technical personnel. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.