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The RD52.1-4B-022-L-NN-NN-NN-FW AC Drive Converter is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This device operates with a nominal connecting voltage of 3 x AC 380-480 V, has a power rating of 22 kW, and utilizes a forced air cooling mechanism.

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Product Description

The RD52.1-4B-022-L-NN-NN-NN-FW vector control manufactured by Bosch Rexroth should always be mounted inside a control cabinet. This field-oriented control features a 22.5mm mechanical grid pattern. The product is supposed to be installed and operated only after reading the associated documentation. The device tends to have a high discharge current and a high voltage if used inappropriately. The unit should be operated only with spare parts and accessories approved by the manufacturer. Its converter is mounted on a common mounting plate. The control must never be operated without the permanent connection of its ground wire. The product tends to have very hot housing during operation and it can cause burns.

This device can easily be adapted to any application. The unit comes with a removable user panel. It complies with EMC directives regarding noise emission and noise immunity. The vector control is designated with a field-oriented regulation code of 52. The product must be used only in its original state without any hardware modification. The drive control helps in controlling and monitoring the operation of electric motors. The device is widely used in a range of technologies.

The field-oriented control comprises an IP 20 degree of protection in accordance with EN 60529 specifications. The product does not support any additional functionality. Its firmware should be procured as a separate subitem. The device can function at a maximum temperature of 50°C with derated data. This unit has to be always stored in a dry and clean place. It must be ensured that the control is installed away from heat-sensitive devices. The product should also have a clearance of at least 100mm above and below it. This vector control supported by a warranty period of one year can be shipped internationally.

  • RD52 1 4B 022 L NN NN NN FW
  • rd52.1-4b-022-l-nn-nn-nn-fw

RD52.1-4B-022-L-NN-NN-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Cooling Mode: forced air cooling
Nominal Connecting Voltage: 3 x AC 380-480 V
Rated Power: 22 kW
Unit Type: Converter with a built-in brake chopper
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