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  • MPN: R911203042

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The RD51.1-4B-055-W-C1-FW AC Drive Converter is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This device operates with nominal connecting voltage of 3 x AC 380-480 V has a power rating of 55 kW, and utilizes a liquid cooling mechanism.

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Product Description

The RD51.1-4B-055-W-C1-FW drive control manufactured by Bosch Rexroth comes with U/f curve control functionality. This product belongs to the RD product group of such controls from the manufacturer. The device may cause product damage or electric shock if it is tampered with or used inappropriately. The unit is likely to have a very hot surface during operation and can cause burns if touched. It is supposed to be operated only by trained and qualified personnel. The control has 1 design code. The product is designed to operate as a converter. The device incorporates the connection for an external 24V standby power supply.

This drive control design makes it suitable for installation in commercial machinery. The unit portrays a peak current of 129A for 60 seconds. It has a climatic category of 3K3 as per DIN IEC 721-3-3 specifications. The product operation must always be performed only if the application adheres to the national EMC regulations. The device should be powered and operated only after checking for the permanent connection of the protective conductor. The unit must always be fitted with guards and covers properly prior to turning it ON in order to avoid contact with live parts during or soon after operation.

The control has a leakage current of more than 3.5mA. The product tends to move dangerously if the associated motor has defective components and/or faulty encoders, sensors and monitoring circuits. The drive is meant to be in standstill mode always before entering the danger zone. The device weighs 42kg. Its firmware must be bought separately. The unit comprises a rated output of 65kVA. The drive power connection must be isolated using an emergency stop circuit so that there is no chance of accidental startup. This control is shipped through a team of reputed freight carriers with a one-year warranty.

  • RD5114B055WC1FW
  • RD51 1 4B 055 W C1 FW
  • rd51.1-4b-055-w-c1-fw

RD51.1-4B-055-W-C1-FW Technical Specifications

Cooling Mode: liquid cooling
Nominal Connecting Voltage: 3 x AC 380-480 V
Rated Power: 55 kW
Unit Type: Converter with a built-in brake chopper
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