Product Description
The PPC-P11.1N-N-P1-NN-NN-FW is digital stand-alone multi-axis logic and motion control unit powered by the Rexroth Bosch. It has the VisualMotion firmware GMP10 software for processing the control unit. The logical control can directly plug-in to the computer PCI slot and has come with the support card that maintains the plug and plays feature, which aids in establishing the PC memory dynamically. Memory allocation requires no jumper allocation for the system. The control has the optional second interface card for managing digital inputs as a digital output along with the communication port.
The 32 bits PC bus connection maintained the PPC-P11.1N-N-P1-NN-NN-FW logical control and have the 33 MHz system frequency. The motion control has the optional programmable limit switch and link ring with the front faceplate. The control hardware consists of 7 segments 1-digital display, drive-based I/O support, flash memory compact card, and the servo interface that allows the unit to manage up to 40 connections in a single unit. It has 2 serial interface ports for the software selection baud rate from 9600 to 115200. The PPC-P11.1N comes with the optional programmable card switch to the management of the system, link ring, and the encoder interface card as the additional interface. The PPC-P11.1N-N-P1-NN-NN-FW digital control requires Windows NT4.0 along the VisualMotion09vRS and the VentureCom RTX 4.3.2 version Run-Time environment.
The PPC-P11.1N-N-P1-NN-NN-FW has a 3.3V to +12V power voltage supply for working. The mounting of the control unit needs a standard PC PCI bus. The ambient humidity for the drive should be 5-78% with no condensation during operation as per DIN 40 040 class F. The ambient temperature for the control must be 0-45°C according to DIN 40 040 class KV. The motion control needs ambient atmospheric pressure of 860hPa to 1080hPa at the maximum height of 1500 meters above sea level.