Product Description
The MSK071D-0200-NN-S1-UG0-NSNN is a digital servo motor. It is part of the MSK product line from Bosch Rexroth. The performance data for the motor is valid for ambient temperatures ranging from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius and elevations ranging from 0 to 1000 meters. The motor delivers derated performance between 40 and 55 degrees Celsius and between 1000 and 3000 meters elevation. The relative humidity should be kept between 5 and 95%. The absolute humidity should be maintained between 1 and 29 grams per cubic meter. The rate of change of temperature should not exceed 0.5 degrees Celsius per minute. Vibrations are sine-ware oscillations in stationary use. The maximum permitted axial vibration for the motor is 10 meters per second squared. The maximum permitted radial vibration for the motor is 30 meters per second squared.
The housing of the MSK071D-0200-NN-S1-UG0-NSNN motor is IP65 rated. This rating can be increased to IP67 with the use of sealing air accessories. The MSK071D-0200-NN-S1-UG0- NSNN is a flange mounted device. The supported installation positions include flange attachment of the drive side of the flange, flange attachment on the drive side of the flange with the flange facing down, flange attachment on the drive side of the flange with the flange facing up and flange attachment on the drive side of the flange or foot attachment. Cooling method by which the motor cools is natural convection. The motor features an optical singleturn encoder with Hiperface and 128 signal periods. The feedback/power connectors are 240-degree rotatable. The motor shaft is plain and has a sealing ring. A holding brake is not available on the motor. Design of the motor is standard and ex according to EN 60079.