Product Description
The MSK071C-0300-NN-M1-BG0-NNAN synchronous servomotor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth has a size code of 071. The product must encompass securely locked or tightened connectors during its operation. The device is grounded by a motor cable. The position of this grounded conductor should be fixed before it is commissioned. The servomotor should be protected against corrosion to its housing due to a wide range of aggressive materials. The product has to undergo an acceptance test every time before the startup of the system. This device can reach a very high housing temperature when it is overloaded.
The motor does not feature leakproof housing because of unavoidable temperature fluctuations. The unit is UL Listed and CSA Certified. It is capable of operating at a maximum temperature of 55°C with derated data. The product depicts a discharge current flow over its housing parts if the grounding conductor of its motor cable is not connected. The device utilizes a multiturn absolute encoder with a Hiperface interface. This encoder is equipped with the ability to preserve the absolute position of the axis after a motor switch OFF action. The motor is characterized by a manufacturing tolerance of +/-%.
The product features a changed thermal coupling if transmissions are attached to it. The device incorporates circular connectors for its power and encoder electrical connections. The unit comprises an adjustable flange socket orientation. It is meant to be connected only in the de-energized state. The motor must take load factors into consideration if the ambient operating conditions are exceeded. This product is associated with a temperature change rate of 0.5°C/min according to DIN EN 60721-3-3 specifications. The device has IP 65 degree of protection. The motor is backed by a one-year warranty and can be sent to any address across the world irrespective of the country you live in.