Product Description
The MDD093C-L-030-N2L-110GA0 digital AC motor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth has no blocking brake. This AC motor has a size code of 093. The product portrays a hot surface during operation. This device has a high level of synchronization. The unit incorporates electronic commutation for its operation. It has a high degree of operational reliability. This motor is associated with high-performance data. This product comprises a larger power connector than what is used with the standard housing to implement surface cooling. The device features a mounting flange with threads or throughholes. This unit is designed for operating at an ambient temperature between 0°C and 45°C.
The motor supports both radial and axial-type surface cooling. It deploys no general or standard solution for shock-damped mounting. This product has a RAL 9005 black prime coat on its housing. The unit allows its mounting to be done in either a horizontal or vertical orientation. Its plain output shaft offers a non-positive transmission of torque. This motor shaft is subject to a load as soon as it is affected by the axial plus radial forces. The product is affected on the A side by thermal deformations in length. This device is to be run at approximately 100rpm speed for the reseating action. The AC motor dispatch is done worldwide.
This product depicts the output direction for the power connector to the A-side. The unit supports changing the output direction of the angle feedback connector to be changed if needed. It has a temperature sensor integrated into its windings. This motor has 12 pins on its flanged socket to connect its feedback connector. The product has data storage capacities in its feedback to store its parameters. This device has a 3000min-1 nominal motor speed. The unit has separate continuous torque as well as current in standstill mode with natural convection and surface cooling. This AC motor features one-year backup support.