Product Description
The Bosch Rexroth MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 is a modern servo motor. It is designed especially for industrial and commercial applications. Technical data for the motor include 4000 RPM nominal speed, 10.4 Nm continuous torque at standstill, 24.4 Amps continuous current at standstill, 58.6 Nm maximum theoretical torque, 145.7 Amps maximum current, 0.0053 kg m2 rotor moment of inertia, 0.43 Nm/A torque constant at 20 degrees Celsius, 0.29 Ohm winding resistance at 20 degrees Celsius, 1.6 millihenry motor winding inductance, 60 minutes thermal time constant and 23 kilograms motors mass. The performance related motor specifications are valid for ambient conditions that are specified in the product manual. These recommended ambient conditions include 0 to 1000 meters altitude and 0 to 45 degrees Celsius temperature. The motor output falls below rated values at non-specified ambient conditions.
The MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 motor can also get damaged and fail if operated under non-specified ambient conditions for an extended period of time. The MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 is available in a IP65 rated housing that provides excellent protection against liquids and solids. For this reason, the motor can be used under adverse environmental conditions. The MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 motor has a standard housing that is suited to suited to natural convection and surface cooling. The MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 supports digital servo feedback with an integrated multiturn absolute encoder. The MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 has a 130 millimeter centering diameter. The shaft on the MDD090C-N-040-N2M-130PB0 motor includes a keyway. The power connection is on side B of the housing. The motor is supplied without a blocking brake. Bosch does provide blocking brakes for MDD motors. These brakes can be specified at the time of equipment ordering. Only qualified personnel are allowed to install and operate the motor.