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MAD180C-0200-SA-S2-DG0-35-N3 Spindle Motor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This motor has a cooling mode with an Axail Fan, Blowing and a Singleturn Absolute, 2048 increments encoder. It also has a mounting style of Flange and a Standard bearing.

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Product Description

The MAD180C-0200-SA-S2-DG0-35-N3 asynchronous motor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth may cause fatal injury if there is an error in its control. This motor shutdown is possible only after switching off its fan. The product is not to be commissioned if it has faulty connections. The product may need an additional ground connector at the time of connection. This device supports both flange and foot assemblies. The unit is attached via the stator profile with foot assembly. It can be safely attached to the machine using washers adhering to DIN EN ISO 7090 specifications. This motor depicts additional threaded holes on its longitudinal sides for inserting eyelets.

The product must adhere to the safety and transport-related guidelines specified by its manufacturer. This device incorporates protective sleeves and covers that must be removed only at the time of assembly. The unit is not meant to be operated outside the ambient operating temperature range. It has a high continuous rating. This motor portrays an IP 65 degree of protection. The product is meant to be used in its original state. This device can be largely deployed in machine tools. The unit cannot be used for applications that are not intended by the manufacturer. This MAD180C-0200-SA-S2-DG0-35-N3 asynchronous motor has one-year backup support.

The product can cause untoward consequences due to tampering with its components. Its operation is allowed only when the application adheres to the national EMC regulations. The device has high electric voltage because of improper use. This unit takes up to 140 minutes to cool down after its power supply has been turned off. It causes a dangerous movement of the drive controller because of the wrong cable connection. The motor handling plus mounting must be done by observing the statutory regulations pertaining to accident prevention. This product utilizes a fan for the cooling action. This asynchronous motor dispatch takes place worldwide.

  • MAD180C0200SAS2DG035N3
  • mad180c-0200-sa-s2-dg0-35-n3
  • MAD180C 0200 SA S2 DG0 35 N3

MAD180C-0200-SA-S2-DG0-35-N3 Technical Specifications

Bearing: Standard
Cooling Mode: Axail Fan, Blowing
Encoder: Singleturn Absolute, 2048 increments
Mounting Style: Flange
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