Product Description
The MAD160C-0100-SA-S2-AH1-35-N1 asynchronous housing motor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth is an integral part of the manufacturer's drive system. This motor is attached to the machine safely using hexagon screws that comply with DIN EN ISO 4014 specifications. The product comprises mounting holes with a diameter of 14 mm. This device must be foot mounted only after it is aligned such that the middle line of its output shaft is aligned with the middle line of the machine connecting shaft. The unit has reduced bearing life with high loads. Its drive controller and fan operate independently of each other.
This motor features a vibration speed of 1.2 mm/s. The product is delivered after checking for vibration measurement according to DIN 2373 specifications. This unit must be lifted using lifting eyebolts that comply with DIN 580 specifications. It must have no salt mist formation on its surface. This motor portrays a 3K4 operating class. The product has live connecting points during the connection period. This device has an IP 54 protection rating for the output shaft. The unit must encounter radial forces only in the perpendicular direction with foot mounting. Its type plate contains the technical details required for service or repair.
This motor may encounter a reduced flow rate with its fan if it is not routinely cleaned of dirt and contaminants. The product needs no liquid coolant for the cooling action. This device has a resistance of 577 Ohms for its temperature sensors. The unit is delivered with a holding brake of a voltage rating of 24 VDC +/-5%. It is not possible to use the holding brake as a safety brake. This asynchronous housing motor requires minimum maintenance.