Product Description
The MAD130C-0200-SA-M2-AH1-05-N1 Bosch Rexroth asynchronous housing motor belongs to the MAD range of such motors from the manufacturer. This motor has dedicated connectors for its power and encoder connections. The product supports continuous operation with S1 operating mode. This device portrays maximum output power at 540 VDC. The unit features a derating if there is a drop in power and torque before it reaches its rated speed. Its socket on the encoder connector and cable-sided coupling should be fitted and screwed to each other manually.This motor can be safely operated at up to the rated speed set by the manufacturer. The product can be installed either vertically or horizontally. This device has an electrically-releasing holding brake. The unit has an IP 65 protection class as per IEC 60529 specifications. Its bearings have a lifespan of 30,000 operating hours. This motor portrays a B05 frame size. The product depicts an optimized construction.
This device is suitable for rotary drive tasks. The unit should always be used only in its original state. Its installation must be done in accordance with the regulations mentioned in its documentation.This motor operates like a rotary main drive motor. The product features a cooling time of up to 140 minutes. This device should not be disconnected or opened in the pressurized state. The unit has a unique type plate attached to its housing. Its grounding connection must be established before it is powered on. This asynchronous housing motor can be put to use only for applications approved by the manufacturer.