Product Description
The MAC071B-0-PS-4-C/095-B-1/WA612XX/S001 belong to the MAC (motor for analogue drive) series of servo motors that is manufactured by Bosch Rexorth. The motor is IP65 approved which qualifies it to be used in harsh environment of oils and coolants near machines. This has enabled the engineers in textile, handling, robotics, and packing industry to leverage from the power of this servo motors. The motor has a brushless design and lubricated life-time bearings that allow it extended flexibility during operations.
The name of the motor actually signifies its specifications. The nomenclature of the MAC071B-0-PS-4-C/095-B-1/WA612XX/S001 can be broken down to understand its specific features. MAC as stated above stands for motor for analogue drive. 071B indicates the dimensions of the motor’s blocking brake that are L=463mm and B=146mm for PS-4 motor. Now, PS-4 signifies its nominal RPM of 4000 per minute and the motor feedback is evaluated with mounted incremental or absolute encoder and tachofeedback. “-” signifies the Tacho voltage which is 1.5V/1000 min-1 for the MAC071B-0-PS-4-C/095-B-1/WA612XX/S001. C denotes a standard tacho type, 095 the centering diameter, B the location of power connection, 1 denotes its standard blocking brake (3Nm). WA612XX denotes the motor’s Mounted encoder type and its code. And S001 signifies special types as fixed and documented by INDRAMAT.
The MAC071B-0-PS-4-C/095-B-1/WA612XX/S001 operates while following the principle of electrically actuated release under permissible ambient temperatures of 0 ~ 45 0C and can be stored and transported with permissible temperatures of -20 ~ 80 0C. The maximum installation evaluation for the motor is 1000m above sea level and it is housed in a black prime coat. The motor is powered by a standard nominal voltage of 24+/-10%.