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  • MPN: R911324300

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HLR Brake Resistor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This resistor has an energy consumption of 660 kWs and a max braking power of 105 kW. This resistor also has a braking power duration of 8 kW.

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Product Description

The HLR01.1N-08K0-N06R0-A-007-NNNN braking resistor has a robust construction and a compact size. This resistor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth must be connected to the equipment grounding system present in the control cabinet. The device has a design code of 1. It has a protection rating of IP 20 when it is mounted outside the cabinet. The unit has a DC bus nominal voltage rating of 700VDC. The product has a type-plate fitted in front of it that gives various details of the resistor. The unit can be mounted on a drive controller using a joint bar. The surface of the unit tends to become very hot during operation.

The resistor is capable of transforming the generated kinetic energy into the equivalent thermal energy. It has a perforated cover. The device should be allowed to cool for a considerable period after the power is turned OFF so that it cools down completely. It must be mounted taking the minimum top, bottom, and horizontal distances into consideration. The terminals of the unit should be at the bottom when it is mounted on a horizontal surface. The surface of the braking resistor can have a temperature of more than 140°C when it is functioning.

The product is used with the manufacturer’s wide range of HCS03 converters for their regenerative operation. The device can be installed very easily due to the space-saving setup of placing the resistor on top of the converter. It supports extreme pulse loading because of its high dielectric strength. The unit has a resistance of 6 Ohms. The resistor has a size of 595 x 270 x 490 mm (W x H x T) and weighs 16kg. The elements of the product are safeguarded against harmful environmental factors. This brake resistor can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.

  • HLR011N08K0N06R0A007NNNN
  • hlr01.1n-08k0-n06r0-a-007-nnnn
  • HLR01 1N 08K0 N06R0 A 007 NNNN
  • HLR1.1N-08K0-N06R0-A-007-NNNN

HLR01.1N-08K0-N06R0-A-007-NNNN Technical Specifications

Braking Power Duration: 8 kW
Energy Consumption: 660 kWs
Max Braking Power: 105 kW
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