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The FVCA01.1-37K0-3P4-MDA-LP-P002-01V01 Frequency Converter is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This device operates with 400 V mains connection voltage, ModBus communication configuration and output power of 37 kW.

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Product Description

The FVCA01.1-37K0-3P4-MDA-LP-P002-01V01 frequency converter manufactured by Bosch Rexroth must always be operated and repaired by trained and qualified personnel. The frequency converter has a supply frequency of 50Hz to 60Hz with a tolerance of +/-5%. The product must never be operated underwater. The device should at all times be mounted in a vertical orientation. It must be ensured that there is sufficient ventilation so that the converter does not get overheated. The unit does not have any side ventilation holes. Multiple converters can be arranged one over the other only after making sure that the temperature of the air into the inlet does not exceed the maximum limit.

The converter comes with 1 design code. The power supply of the product has to be always connected to the L1, L2, and L3 main power supply terminals. This device must feature proper grounding at its grounding terminal to prevent fire and electric shock as well as minimal interference noise. Its power supply must be disconnected and the DC circuit capacitors must be allowed to discharge for half an hour before changing the wiring. The conductors and terminals of the unit are to be connected using insulated crimp terminals. The frequency converter is available with a warranty period of one year.

This device must not encompass a radio noise filter, a surge suppressor, or a power capacitor on its output side to avoid damage or failure of the components. The dimensions of its power cables and fuses are according to VDE 0298 and EN 60204-1 specifications. The converter houses an operating panel in its center with keys and a digital display for its operation. It highlights the output frequency by default after it is energized. The frequency converter can be shipped to your address in any country through trustworthy freight carriers.

  • FVCA01137K03P4MDALPP00201V01
  • FVCA01 1 37K0 3P4 MDA LP P002 01V01
  • fvca01.1-37k0-3p4-mda-lp-p002-01v01

FVCA01.1-37K0-3P4-MDA-LP-P002-01V01 Technical Specifications

Communications Module: ModBus
Mains Connecting Voltage: 400 V
Output Power: 37 kW
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