Product Description
The DMA 085B 8001-D is a three-phase module for the backplane module of the Servodyn-D fully digital inverter system manufactured by Bosch Rexroth. This part number is for the mechanics of the backplane module used in this inverter system. The Servodyn-D fully inverter system features two types of inverters. The DMA 085B 8001-D is used in the three-phase module for the modular inverter and not the standalone inverter. The module is meant for synchronous and asynchronous motors and features a maximum current rating set at 85 kHz based on technical data. It also has a module width of 100 mm.
As for the cooling system, the DMA 085B 8001-D module uses air cooling (backplane mechanics) to regulate the temperature and prevent overheating. The mechanics for the DMA 085B 8001-D backplane module features a supply module with energy recovery and a mains-friendly in-feed, a built-in DC link connection, and an inverter module that can be plugged in. The module also features an analog interface with 10-bit resolution and U/f characteristics. The analog setpoint value is at 10 bits and contains an in-built software package.
The DMA 085B 8001-D three-phase module's analog interface also features a processor board complete with control for speed, current, and position. This module does not have a slot for an extra option module. It also means that the Servodyn-D inverter with the DMA 085B 8001-D can be operated on standard asynchronous motors with an encoder for controlling U/f characteristics. The DMA 085B 8001-D does not feature an encoder interface or any additional functions. It also has standard variants only and can be used for the inverters in the Servodyn-D fully digital inverter series. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.