Product Description
The DMA 085B 7301-D is a module for cold module engineering manufactured by Rexroth Bosch. These three-phase modules have Dc linked with the Synchronous and asynchronous motors as well as inverters. The DMA has RMB/DM type 2 fans for air cooling. The DMA 085B 7301-D is established in the switch cabin under the protection category of IP54 along with the air dust filters. These cooling three-phase modules fall in the Servodyn-D category which requires a precise and controlled environment for mounting in a switch cabin.
The DMA 7301 model comes with the CANrho with the resolver encoder interface. These unique modules have standard cooling versions with no additional features that finely adjust with the inverts and motors in the cabin. The DMA 085B 7301-D has a single-turn encoder of 20 bits resolutions and a resolver of 12 bits resolution. The multi-turn encoder can also be established in the DMA backplane module series with the 32 bits resolution along with a 4096 absolute revolution. For the DC link, 670VDC link voltage for the regulated module and 715 VDC for the non-regulated module is required.
The module’s max current of OL is 86arms as well as 64 arms for CL with the derating of 1.25A at the temperature of +46°C to +55°C. The total weight of the module is 11.5kg and has a width of 100mm. The ambient temperature of the module is 0°C to +45°C and the mounting elevation for the module is optimized to 1000 meters above sea level but may further derating to 3000 meters above sea level. For optimal cooling, the water should be check properly and the proper system of air cooling should be established to avoid condensation. This unit can be shipped globally with a one-year warranty period from Wake Industrial.