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Product Description
The 1070084647-GA1 Bosch Rexroth module has a modular and compact construction. This module has a width of 50 mm and a height of 430 mm. The product supports only the vertical mounting orientation. This device features a SERCOS interface with fault-resistant optical fibers that are capable of real-time processing. The unit is associated with a supply module with an integrated startup circuit and a ballast switch for its operation. Its output stage supports a maximum current rating of up to 35 A. This module related setpoint interface is programmed using the DSS-D commissioning and service system through the standard serial interface.
The product portrays a non-regulated DC link voltage of 715 VDC. This device has a mass of 6 kg. The unit can at no time be installed at an altitude higher than 3000 m above sea level. It is important to adhere to the hazard warnings attached to its housing and specified in its manual to avoid damage to equipment or injury to persons. This module features a displacement of 1 mm at a frequency varying from 2 Hz to 13.2 Hz in compliance with EN 60068-2-6 specifications. The product comprises three phases.
This device portrays the maximum allowed rated current at the thermal limit of its heat sink. The unit has an input current rating of 2.5 ADC and an output current rating of 2.4 A according to its rating plate. It has the capability to operate a wide range of motors. This module utilizes a 24 V supply for its supply module. The product portrays a cycle time of 250 µs for the position controller of its SERCOS interface.