Product Description
The DKC05.3-200-7-FW is a drive controller produced by the company. The drive belongs to the ECODRIVE controllers and is used to provide a cost efficient solution to all areas where translatory and rotatory motion is required. The digital drive lowers the overall operational costs and offers a highly dynamic operation. The device is directly connected with the power supply unit and comes with its own software travel limit switch. The device operates on 700 volts. It has outstanding performance data and can be integrated universally. The drive offers integrated position control and can store multiple positioning blocks. The positioning blocks can also be selected over parallel inputs. The drive adapts to different motion requirements by automating adjusting its feed constants and gear ratios. During setup operation, the drive axis can be moved with jog function. The DKC05.3-200-7-FW drive controller unit supports Analog and RS232/485 interfaces along with a DKC05.3-LK-CAN01 optional card for CANopen interface. The RS232/485 interfaces are used for simple point-to-point or multi-drop communications while the Analog interface converts continuous physical signals into a digital format. The CANopen interface facilitates networked communication between devices.
The DKC05.3-200-7-FW falls in 200 A current type. It gives an unhindered performance in a temperature range of 0 ᵒC to 40 ᵒC. Users can also create a reference dimension by using a drive internal referencing procedure. The drive controller is also capable of actual position detection in real-time. The actual position value can be output absolutely as well as incrementally. The drive controller also offers a stepper interface and there is a wide range of values that be used for the number of steps per rotation. The system never skips any step no matter what the load value is. The DKC05.3-200-7-FW also comes with an integrated holding brake and an automatic error adjustment mechanism. Users can also control the drive’s positioning speed through a federate override function. This product is available from Wake Industrial with a one-year warranty period.