Product Description
The DDS02.2-W050-BE67-01-FW is a Bosch Rexroth DDS drive controller. It is developed and manufactured by Bosch. The controller is used to control motor speed and torque. Multiple DDS controllers can be operated from a single DC power supply that supplies regulated 24 Volts DC. The nominal output current rating of the DDS02.2-W050-BE67-01-FW is 50 Amps. DDS controllers are modular devices: the hardware and firmware can be selected to suit customer requirements. Bosch provides multiple firmware that support different feature sets. Additionally, the basic unit of each DDS controller has three slots for optional modules. A wide range of optional modules are available and can be selected to suit customer requirements. In addition to the three slots for optional modules, two slots on the basic module are reserved for a software module and a command communication module.
The controller firmware is stored on the software module. The controller parameters are also stored on the software module. This module can be easily shifted to a replacement drive in case of primary drive failure. This helps to minimize system downtime and prevent outages that can affect business performance. The command communication module on the DDS02.2-W050-BE67-01-FW is SERCOS. The DDS02.2-W050-BE67-01-FW is designed for heat technology i.e. it dissipates heat inside the cabinet. The cool enter enters through an inlet at the bottom side of the controller. The heated air exits through an outlet at the top side of the controller. Either large cabinets or air conditioning are required to maintain ambient temperature within recommended limits. Motor feedback options supported by the DDS02.2-W050-BE67-01-FW include digital servo feedback and resolver feedback. Only trained personnel should handle, install and operated the controller.