Product Description
The Bosch Rexroth CSH02.1B-ET-EC-NN-NN-NN-NN-FW advanced control section has an extended scope interface. This section utilizes a multi-Ethernet interface for communication purposes. The product cannot function separately. This device must make contact with any exposed conductive part only after they have been grounded. The unit mounting and/or dismounting to and from the associated power section should take no more than 20 times. It has to be retained in its original state all the time. This section supports neither the mounting nor connecting of components that do not have manufacturer’s approval. The product must incorporate measures to suppress radio interference when it is used in a residential location.
This device operation along with its maintenance should be done correctly for safe and optimal use. The unit plus its components have to be used only in the way that is deemed suitable by the manufacturer. It has a high working current as a result of improper use. This section-related probe inputs have a measuring accuracy ranging between -1µs and +1µs. The product has 17W power consumption at 24VDC with a maximum output load and with its control panel and memory card. This device cannot use the power supply of the power section for its isolated type inputs plus outputs. The control section incorporates backup support for a year from Wake Industrial.
This section supports MSM and MSK motor encoder systems. The unit incorporates synthetic materials and metals like aluminum, steel and copper for the construction of its components. Its drive controller is supplied along with the control section. This product installation should adhere to the instructions for the same mentioned in its documentation. The device houses only one axis. This unit is to be commissioned only after confirming that the installation machine complies with all national regulations pertaining to the application. The control section shipping action is accomplished by trustworthy logistics agents.