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  • MPN: R911347704

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The CSH02.1B-ET-EC-EM-S4-NN-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a MultiEthernet master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Multi-encoder and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH02.1B-ET-EC-EM-S4-NN-NN-FW advanced control section manufactured by Bosch Rexroth does not support standalone operation. This section portrays a shield connection for its analog inputs plus outputs. The product is used in a drive controller that controls as well as monitors different types of asynchronous and synchronous motors. This device is positioned inside the power section through a plug-in action. The unit has to be ordered along with its firmware. It is not meant to be allowed to come in contact with exposed conductive parts. This section might trigger personal injury and/or property damage if the operation is not carried out as intended.

The product has a very hot surface during the operation phase. This device comprising a drive controller is a major part of a drive system. The unit must adhere to the indicated ambient and operating conditions. It encompasses components that conduct voltages higher than 50V. This section uses batteries to support the operation of its control panel. The product should comply with the general safety and installation regulations when working on its power installations. This device needs to be protected using residual current-operated circuit breakers that are sensitive to universal current under specific conditions. The control section has one-year backup support.

This section has more than 3.5mA leakage current. The unit needs a grounding connection to be established before it is commissioned or switched on. Its drive controller may move dangerously because of faulty control. This product-related installation machine must not be operated if the emergency stop switch is not in working condition. The device produces electromagnetic and magnetic fields when it is being operated. This unit can be worked on only after wearing gloves when its surface is hot. It comes with a type plate attachment featuring its type designation on its housing. The control section shipment is possible to any worldwide location.

  • csh02.1b-et-ec-em-s4-nn-nn-fw

CSH02.1B-ET-EC-EM-S4-NN-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: MultiEthernet
Primary Interface Option: Multi-encoder
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