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  • MPN: R911343641

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The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-EM-L3-NN-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS III Master master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Multi-encoder and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-EM-L3-NN-NN-FW advanced control section manufactured by Bosch Rexroth cannot function independently. This product cannot be operated in residential environments. The device supporting the drive controller cannot be put to use for applications other than those authorized by its manufacturer. This unit features components with voltages of more than 50V. It is needed to establish an equipment grounding connection before it is put to use. The product tends to have high electrical voltage due to incorrect connection. This device commissioning action can be performed only if the emergency-stopping equipment is in working condition. The unit helps its drive controller to control the holding brake.

This section can cause burns if its hot surface is touched without wearing safety gloves. The product is meant to be dismounted only after its pressure has been released. This device is mounted inside the power section. The unit comes with a single axis. It has two analog inputs that function like multipurpose inputs. This section comes in a size of 241 x 103 x 49.5 mm. The product uses a SERCOS III master module with a bi-colored LED that is used as a master for cross-communication. This device handling has to be undertaken only by trained personnel. The CSH02.1B-CC-EC-EM-L3-NN-NN-FW control section has one-year backup support.

This product tends to get damaged due to inappropriate handling plus operation. The device is meant to be installed in the vertical orientation. This unit must be retained in its original state all the time. It has live connection points when it is in use. The section associated drive controller can be used in a wide range of drive and control tasks. This product might cause damage due to failure if the safety instructions are not observed. This device must adhere to the operating and ambient conditions indicated in its documentation. The control section shipment takes place to any worldwide destination.

  • csh02.1b-cc-ec-em-l3-nn-nn-fw

CSH02.1B-CC-EC-EM-L3-NN-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS III Master
Primary Interface Option: Multi-encoder
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