Product Description
The CSH01.3C-NN-EN1-MA1-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW advanced control section is equipped with a single axis. This Bosch Rexroth section is not compatible with the manufacturer’s comfort control panel. The product houses an EN1 optional module that is compatible with encoder systems that have a peak-to-peak supply voltage of 8VDC or 18.2VDC. This device operation is not allowed underwater. The unit houses a couple of Type 2 probe inputs with a 24V voltage rating and a 3mA current rating. Its digital outputs cannot be used at low-resistance sources. This section can never be used without the related drive controller it is fitted in. The product offers assurance of operating safety and reliability if it is used properly.
This device may trigger personnel injury with improper use. The unit has no harmful substances that can have a negative influence on the environment. It has to be commissioned after reading the related operating, maintenance and safety instructions. This section’s maintenance and repair should be done only by authorized personnel. The product is fitted with a cross-communication module adhering to Ethernet standards and featuring 100Base-TX compatibility according to IEEE 802.3u standards. This device comprises no safety technology--related optional module. The unit helps in resolver and HSF encoder evaluation. This control section depicts a warranty period of one year.
The section comprises a differential input with different cut-off frequencies for its HSF and resolver operations in its EN1 module. The product comprises analog channels of better resolution due to the MA1 optional module connected by means of a 15-pin female D-Sub connector. This device encompasses a RS 232 serial interface. The unit installation has to be done according to the appropriate EMC requirements for the application. It is likely to portray high electric voltage due to improper use. This section must compulsorily be removed from the connected power supply before accessing its components with more than 50V voltage potential. This CSH01.3C-NN-EN1-MA1-CCD-NN-S-NN-FW control section shipping can be done globally.