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  • MPN: R911335383

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The CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-NNN-S2-S-XP-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS Interface master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-NNN-S2-S-XP-FW advanced control section is safeguarded against the penetration of water and extrinsic objects by the control cabinet. The Bosch Rexroth control section needs at least 15 minutes to cool down before it is touched after switching it off. This product is to be transported and stored only horizontally. The device encompasses probe digital inputs with a non-linear input resistance that changes based on the input voltage. This unit uses the serial interface during its commissioning and servicing. It is necessary to use OFF switches or buttons to isolate the drive power connection. This section is directly connected with the serial interface using the manufacturer’s IKB0041 cable.

The product comprises Safe Motion optional module fitting with multiple application-related safety functions like safe stop, safe maximum and limited speed, single-axis acknowledgment and more. This device uses its Type 1 standard digital inputs with a 24V voltage rating as well as a 3mA current rating for input/output forced dynamization. The unit-related error and command diagnoses as well as operating states are highlighted on the single-line display of the control panel. Its preformatted multimedia card supports the easy transmission of parameters. This control section houses a year’s backup support from Wake Industrial and is shipped to any address.

The section has a Type 4 analog input with 1.23mV/inc resulting in resolution and 8-fold oversampling. This product also has two Type 2 analog outputs with a nominal 1mA current rating and a 5V output rating. The device-associated spring terminal connections have to be assembled using stranded wires with 10mm stripped length for the wire ends. This unit is smaller in size than the manufacturer’s power section. Its RS 232 serial interface can be converted to a RS 485 serial interface with a signal-level converter. The section handling needs to be done with utmost care to avoid unfavorable consequences.

  • csh01.1c-se-ens-nnn-nnn-s2-s-xp-fw

CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-NNN-S2-S-XP-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS Interface
Primary Encoder Option: Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
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