Product Description
The CSH01.1C-SE-ENS-NNN-NNN-NN-S-XP-FW advanced control section by Bosch Rexroth must never be used independently. This control section depicts a limited number of plug-in actions. The product is associated with a very hot surface during its operation. This device helps its drive controller in controlling plus monitoring a synchronous linear motor. The unit is meant to be mounted and dismounted only by people trained to do so. It can come in contact with exposed conductive parts only after it has been discharged by grounding. This product has a line code 01. The device must function with only those accessories authorized by the manufacturer.
This section uses its ENS optional module for an encoder with a 12V supply voltage. The unit incorporates its SERCOS interface connection with fiber optic cables. Its differential input has 120 Ohms input resistance. This product features protection against incorrect connection by utilizing a protective diode in the power supply. The device has low input resistance for the analog input compared to the digital inputs when the analog input and the corresponding digital inputs are connected parallel to each other. This unit depicts an X7 connector on its front panel for the memory card. The control section has a one-year warranty tag.
This section is located inside the power section. It has one Type 2 Normally Open relay contact. The product has a minimum SERCOS cycle time of 250µs. This device operates with either MPB-04V12 or MPD-05V06 firmware. The unit has a single axis and renders configuration support. It has five switching or pulse frequencies. This section portrays 1 design code. The product has no hazardous substances that get released with appropriate use. This device can be recycled because of its high metal content. The unit has utilization is permitted only after gaining an understanding of the relevant safety instructions. This control section is shipped worldwide.