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The CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system operates with a SERCOS III master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW advanced control section from Bosch Rexroth is one of the major parts of the manufacturer’s drive controller. This control section is equipped with just one axis. The product uses an S3 or SERCOS III optional module for command communication. The device belongs to the CSH product group of such offerings. The unit operation on a standalone basis is not permitted. Its associated drive controller is used to control and also monitor the operation of a motor from the same manufacturer. The section is plugged inside the power section. The product tends to become quite hot during operation. This device should feature ESD protection for its proper functioning.

The section is likely to get destroyed with inappropriate usage. The unit is meant for operation in industrial environments. It must be used only with parts and accessories that have their manufacturer’s approval. The product supports configuration based on the requirements. The device has both inputs and outputs of analog and digital type. The unit is housed inside a drive controller that is apt for use in machine tools. Its installation and operation are permitted only after reading and understanding all the instructions relating to safety and usage. This product triggers the risk of injury due to improper handling.

The device has live electrical connection points during operation. The unit should have no active power connection during maintenance or repair work. The section requires a cooling time of at least 15 minutes before it is touched after the operation. Its SERCOS III module supports Ethernet connectivity and comprises an interface in accordance with IEE 802.3 standards. The product is associated with a standard design. This device handling has to be taken care of by only skilled personnel. The unit operation is to be done only in the specified configuration. This CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW section has a one-year warranty and is sent to any destination where it is required.

  • CSH01 1C S3 ENS EN2 MA1 L2 S NN FW
  • csh01.1c-s3-ens-en2-ma1-l2-s-nn-fw
  • CSH1.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW

CSH01.1C-S3-ENS-EN2-MA1-L2-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: SERCOS III
Primary Encoder Option: Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TTL
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