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The CSH01.1C-NN-EN1-MEM-MA1-L1-S-NN-FW Advanced Control System is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. This system is not equipped with a master communication configuration, its primary encoder option is HSF/RSF and it has two analog ouputs.

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Product Description

The CSH01.1C-NN-EN1-MEM-MA1-L1-S-NN-FW advanced control section manufactured by Bosch Rexroth supports switching frequencies of 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz, 12kHz and 16kHz. The section requires an external supply voltage connection for its digital inputs and outputs at the X31.8 and X31.9 connectors. The product has one analog input and two analog outputs. The device is configurable and comprises two axes. The unit does not support master communication. It depicts a HSF / RSF encoder as its optional module on the X4.1 connector. The module has a supply voltage of 18VAC peak-to-peak or 8VDC. The differential inputs for HSF operation and resolver operation have -3dB cutoff frequencies of 100kHz and 18kHz respectively.

The product cannot be operated with the VCP01.2 comfort control panel from the same manufacturer. The device has two Type 2 and two Type 3 digital inputs that can be configured as probe inputs. The slot memory card inserted in the X7 slot of the unit can be used to read as well as store data comprising firmware, drive parameters and operating data. The section incorporates a relay contact that features a voltage load capacity of 30VDC. This relay has a pickup delay of 10ms and a dropout delay of 10ms. The control section is dispatched through reputed freight carriers with a global network.

The device depicts a MEM interface encoder emulator. This emulator helps in the emulation of incremental and absolute value encoder signals for evaluation by means of a control unit. The section is always supposed to be mounted as well as unmounted not more than 20 times. The drive controller featuring this unit must be commissioned before the startup process so that the application-specific functions are performed correctly. The duty cycle and periodic time of the output signals are influenced by the signal processing activity in the control section. The control section can be dispatched to the desired address in any country.

  • CSH01 1C NN EN1 MEM MA1 L1 S NN FW
  • csh01.1c-nn-en1-mem-ma1-l1-s-nn-fw

CSH01.1C-NN-EN1-MEM-MA1-L1-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Analog Outputs: 2
Master Communication: Not Equipped
Primary Encoder Option: HSF/RSF
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