Product Description
The Bosch Rexroth CSB02.5B-ET-EC-EC-SB-NN-NN-NW control section is equipped with both analog as well as digital inputs and outputs. The Type A digital inputs of this section have 2mA minimum current consumption and 5mA maximum current consumption. The product must not be permitted to come in contact with exposed conductive parts only after they have been discharged properly. The drive controller featuring the device must not be used if it is damaged or faulty. The section is meant to be used only in its original state without any modification to its hardware. This product is to be installed only as per the instructions given in the associated documentation.
This product comes fitted with a type plate encompassing its type designation and hardware index as its key details. The device is equipped with just one axis. The unit encompasses 11 digital inputs. Its Multi-Ethernet module is attached to the X24 and X25 connectors. This control section is connected to the control panel through its H1 interface. The device comprises a safe motion bus with two bicolor LEDs for the safety technology status and connection status. The LEDs light up in steady green color when the unit is active and ready with at least one safe connection. The section is available for shipping to anywhere in the world.
The device portrays digital inputs/outputs that adhere to IEC 61131 specifications. Its drive controller becomes very hot during operation. The probe type digital inputs have an input voltage ranging between -3V and 30V. These inputs serve as fast inputs that must be controlled using bounce-free switching elements such as electronic switches so that incorrect evaluation can be avoided. The basic section has a resolution of 13 bits for its analog voltage input. This CSB02.5B-ET-EC-EC-SB-NN-NN-NW is available with a year’s Wake Industrial warranty.