Product Description
The CDB01.1C-SE-ENS-ENS-NNN-NNN-L2-S-NN-FW device is one of the several CDB series of control sections offered by Bosch Rexroth. The module supports a limited number of plug-in actions. It should not be mounted and dismounted more than 20 times. The product must be allowed to come in contact with exposed conductive parts only after they are discharged through a grounding action. The unit is intended to be used only in an industrial environment. It comes fitted inside a drive controller. This drive controller has to be programmed before it is commissioned. The device is equipped with Safe Torque Off safety option. The surface of the control section may have a temperature of more than 60°C during operation.
The control section must be transported and/or stored only in conductive packaging. The product is attached to the power section of the drive controller through a plugging action. Its X33 and X34 connection points feature 0.75 to 1.5mm2 stranded wires of 20-14AWG thickness for connecting the digital inputs. The I6 and I7 digital inputs and the IA1 analog input should be connected parallel to each other. The device measures 103 x 322.6 x 49.5mm. The digital inputs can be configured as probe type inputs with a 24V voltage rating and 3mA current rating. The CDB01.1C-SE-ENS-ENS-NNN-NNN-L2-S-NN-FW control section features a warranty of one year.
The module comes with seven option slots. This product has a SERCOS interface that makes use of fiber optic cables and a distortion LED. These cables include coupling elements with a union nut that has a tightening torque of up to 0.6Nm. The bus cables should adhere to DIN EN50170/2 specifications. The device must be connected to the encoder directly using the manufacturer’s RKG4200 cable. The unit is made of multiple materials such as steel, copper and aluminum to mention just a few. The control section can be shipped globally through companies like FedEX, DHL and UPS.