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  • Rated 4.5 (38 total ratings)
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  • MPN: R911330544

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The CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW control unit is manufactured by Bosch Rexroth Indramat. The unit utilizes MultiEthernet as its form of master communication, and it is equipped with various interface options including Encoder Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TLL and Encoder EnDat 2.1/1Vpp/TLL.

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Product Description

The CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW is one of the most powerful and sophisticated machines manufactured by the highly trained engineers of Rexroth Indramat. This drive controller is a unique industrial device as it features novel industrial devices that allow it to support the operation of a large number of industrial machines such as metal forming machines, food processing machines, paper converting machines and lots more. This controller is a self-diagnostic device; it can independently detect operational error and promptly alert the operator by displaying error messages through the display unit present on its standard control panel. The housing of this drive controller is specially structured to aid the direct integration of the controller into any position in the servo system.

The CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW industrial controller is made up of two major components, the power section and the control section. The control section must be integrated into the power section before operation. The CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW industrial controller connects to the servo motor through two major electrical cables; the power cable and the motor feedback cable; the power cable conducts electrical energy to the motor while the motor feedback cable is used in the exchange of digital information between the controller and the encoder of the motor. The power consumed by the controller is about 9 watts; it also operates with a typical inrush current of 6 amperes.

The CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW drive controller industrial is manufactured with high metal content; this makes of very easy for the controller to be easily recycled after its usefulness as a control device has been exhausted. The maximum height at which the controller can be installed is 1000 meters above sea level. This product can be shipped globally with a one year warranty period from Wake Industrial.


  • cdb01.1c-et-ens-ens-en2-en2-nn-s-nn-fw

CDB01.1C-ET-ENS-ENS-EN2-EN2-NN-S-NN-FW Technical Specifications

Master Communication: MultiEthernet
Option 1: Encoder Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TLL
Option 2: Encoder Indradyn/Hiperface/1 Vpp/TLL
Option 3: Encoder EnDat 2.1/1Vpp/TLL
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