Product Description
The 2AD132C-B35OA1-CS16-B2V1 asynchronous AC motor supplied by Bosch Rexroth has an electrically engaged holding brake. This motor has an overall length of 343 mm. The product must have firmly secured plug-in connections when the machine is in operation. This device must be connected only after it has been mounted mechanically. The unit is likely to portray faulty control because of a software error. It should be mounted only in commercial machinery.
This motor is protected against moisture and mechanical damage on its output shaft and bearings during storage by means of the protective plastic sleeves. This product must be free of load during the transportation process. The device allows the detachment of its second nameplate. This unit must be connected with only the readymade cables from the same manufacturer. Its electrical parts must be worked on only by trained personnel. This motor must be mounted only after ensuring that all its parts are clean. The product has a voltage rating of more than 50 V at its live connecting points. This device tends to get damaged due to improper storage. The unit uses its feedback to regulate the position and speed of the rotor. Its load factors must be multiplied when the ambient operating conditions are exceeded.
This motor offers protection against moving parts and/or parts to which voltage is applied. The product is not affected by a jet of water sprayed on its housing. This device tends to get contaminated with liquid penetration through the output shaft. The unit may encounter a swinging out of the key during a powerful reversing operation. Its output shaft is not surrounded by any shaft seal. This asynchronous AC motor is an air-cooled motor.