Product Description
The 2AD132C-B35OA1-BS03/S022 asynchronous AC motor manufactured by Bosch Rexroth has a high resolution for its feedback. This motor is subject to radial and axial forces on the output shaft and bearings during operation. The product must not have any liquid collected around its output shaft with IM V3 mounting. This device cannot be operated without a blower. The unit incorporates a wye or star winding connection. Its shaft height is the distance from the base of the foot to the middle of the shaft.
This motor cannot be used in machinery meant for residential use. The product has a constant torque until the rated speed when there is no derating. This device is not meant to be operated in areas where there is a risk of an explosion. The unit encompasses a plain and smooth output shaft. Its second nameplate must be fitted onto a clearly visible area on the machine. This motor features a warning temperature of 145 degrees C. The product has an excessively high housing temperature if its original parameters or processing cycle have been changed. This device needs a check to be done for the proper functionality of its fan after every 1,000 hours of operation. The unit may require the blower to be detached for maintenance purposes. Its blower housing has several elements that are screwed together.
This motor may malfunction because of mechanical damage. The product comes with NTC-type temperature sensors. This device should be dismantled only after switching off the protection switch for the blower. The unit is a part of a drive system that also includes a control and a drive controller. It must be commissioned before it is put to use. This asynchronous AC motor must be stored properly after it is removed from the machine.