Product Description
The 5A5001.12 is a state-of-the-art hard disk used by B&R automation to serve as the mass memory media for the 5000 and 5600 Industrial personal computer series (IPC). The hard disk is permanently mounted on an insert card which is then inserted into the hard disk slot which is accessible after opening the housing of the IPC. This high performance hard drive is manufactured by Fujitsu, it contains more than 39,000,000 sectors each of which can store about 512 bytes of data. The total storage capacity of this hard disk is 20 gigabytes which is more than enough for conventional industrial applications. The 5A5001.12 hard disk operates at a revolution speed of 4,200 revolutions per minute and an access time of about 7.14 milliseconds.
The 5A5001.12 hard disk is very delicate and should not be used in environments that exposes it to extreme vibrations and shocks. The hard disk also has a limited operating time, and real 24-hour continuous operation is only possible under certain conditions. The installation, and handling of the hard disk should be done by certified professionals. The top side of the hard disk should not be touched as it can be damaged by even light pressure.
The 5A5001.12 hard disk should always be operated at an ambient temperature that falls between 5 to 55 degree Celsius however during storage and transportation, the disk can be kept between -40 to +60 degree Celsius without any problems. The time it takes to achieve read access on this hard disk is about 5 seconds while the average positioning time of the read/ write head is about 12 milliseconds. During operation, this hard disk generates a noise pressure of approximately 24 decibels.