Product Description
The 4PP252.0571-85 is a strong and extremely reliable Power Panel produced. This device is manufactured by B & R Automation as part of its 4PP Power panel series; it has an impressive Geode SC 2200 processor with high computing power and can support seamless automation operation, especially when it involves small and medium-sized industrial machines. The 4PP252.0571-85 power panel is an indoor device that has a monochromatic Liquid Crystal Display with a display diagonal of 5.7 inches and a resolution of 320 x 240 pixels. The product can only display eight shades of grey. To provide additional protection, there is a filter glass on the display unit. This glass is coated on both sides, and it provides increased mechanical resistance, and chemical resistance. The transmission of the product is measured to be about 95 per cent.
The 4PP252.0571-85 power panel can be mounted at angles that provide the best visibility for the operator. The graphic display controller is the Geode SC 2200; this controller uses a shared memory of 4 megabytes, and it also supports screen rotation on the product. The Ethernet connection on this 4PP252.0571-85 power panel occurs through an RJ45 twisted pair connection. The maximum data transfer rate recorded for this Ethernet is about 100 megabytes per second.
There is no touchscreen technology equipped with this product; all command and control instructions from the operator are sent in through the keypad on the front panel of the product. The keys on the keypad are divided into function keys, Number keys and other keys. There are no soft keys or cursor keys on the product. The total weight of the 4PP252.0571-85 power panel is about 2.6 kilograms.