Product Description
The 4PP381.1043-31 is an automation control panel manufactured by B & R Automation. It is a unit from the Power Panel 200 product range and is ideal for automating small to medium-sized machinery. The product features a color LCD display than supports up to 256 colors. The display is a 5.7-inch QVGA screen, with a resolution of 320 by 240 pixels and a 40:1 contrast ratio. There are 18 LED-enabled function keys on the power panel with an additional 6 soft LED keys. The filter glass on the unit is coated on both sides and has a 95% degree of transmission.
The 4PP381.1043-31 has a 24 VDC power supply and a maximum power consumption rating of 20 watts. It has a bleeder resistance rating of >= 47 kOhm. The weight of the unit is approximately 2.4 kilograms and it has a metal housing. The unit can be installed an any altitude up to 3000 meters. It features an IP 65 / NEMA 250 type 4X protection rating for the front of the unit and an IP 20 rating for the rear side.
The 4PP381.1043-31 has one aPCI slot with a maximum holding torque of 0.7 Nm. It has a reset button, several notification LEDs, and 2 node switches. The processor on the unit is a Geode SC2200 with a frequency of 266 megahertz. It has 16 kilobytes of L1 cache and supports the MMX technology expanded command set. There is 64 MB of DRAM on the unit with a 144-pin SO-DIMM socket. The unit also has 256 KB of SRAM. The power failure logic uses a System Management Controller and has a buffer time of 10 milliseconds.